Sunday, April 17, 2011

5 1/2 Months!

So I'm 22 weeks pregnant now, 5 1/2 MONTHS! Our crib arrived on Friday, and Michael put it together while I was at work. And also, Colten let me take some pictures of him today! He's usually way too busy to stop for a photo. We have had a blast on this beautiful day! I also have some belly shots! Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Sunday, April 10, 2011

21 Weeks....

So I'm 21 weeks pregnant now! Over halfway done. Today was a very exciting day! Thanks to the generous gift from my Mama and Daddy, I got to order the furniture for Caslin's Nursery!! She's excited, too! She's moving around a little right now :) THE CRIB: (this is a photo from a website, not my actual room!) Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket One of Michael's very good friend's that he works with, Dennis, has a grown daughter who has given us bags and bags of hand me down clothes for Colten. Last week, the sent us baby girl clothes and a tummy time mat! All the clothes are namebrands with NO stains. Some still had the tags!!! Photobucket Photobucket Her closet so far: Photobucket

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Starting Caslin's Nursery...

So this weekend, we started on our baby girl's nursery. After looking for literally hours and hours, I decided on a theme! A pink, black, and white Paris themed nursery. All of the bedding I liked was way too expensive, so Michael and I both decided to just do it ourselves! We will not be using a crib bumper, since the Academy of Pediatrics recommends nothing in the crib when baby is sleeping. A bumper is a huge SIDS risk, so we don't want to chance having anything in the crib that our sweet Caslin could suffocate on. We will be making a blanket, crib skirt, and curtains. We also repainted and recovered my ugly, oak glider rocker. Here is the new rocker: Photobucket THE BLANKET: Photobucket MY $3 FIND: Photobucket HER CLOSET SO FAR: Photobucket ARTWORK I'LL BE BUYING FROM ETSY: Photobucket Photobucket THE INITIALS WILL BE C, E, W. Photobucket 19 1/2 WEEK BELLY: Photobucket MY MESSY BOY: Photobucket

Monday, March 21, 2011


Today was our level 2 ultrasound at the ROC, Regional OB Consultants. It was our big IS IT A GIRL OR BOY ultrasound! I was a nervous wreck and have been all weekend!
Well, It's a....

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!! Caslin Elizabeth is looking just perfect so far. She kept turning her head away from the ultrasound and did NOT want her picture taken! Such a Diva!!!!

Me 18 weeks 2 days pregnant!


The view from the waiting room on the 18th floor. The St. John's river!







This past Saturday, Michael actually had the day off. So we headed off to the Zoo! Colten was so excited! We got to see so many different animals. It was hot, traffic was horrible getting there, but we had a blast!










Sunday, March 6, 2011

Cell Phone Pictures!

Here are some taken with my cell phone. I'm an avid picture-taker!


Sleepy from a day of shopping!


Eating pickles with mommy on his new Toy Story table he got from Nana!


My New hair cut!!


My GORGEOUS HUSBAND! I still can't believe I landed such a hotty :)


My very first baby, Roxi!


We, I mean Michael, finally painted our kitchen. We are so happy with the color!!!


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Intelligender Says....

Intelligender is an at home urine test that claims to predict whether you are having a BOY or GIRL based on hormones present in your urine. Most moms I've talked to claim that it's complete bull, but I took it just for fun, since this is my last baby!

Well, Intelligender said...BOY!!

We will see on March 21st whether it's correct! I'm not sure either way to be honest. This pregnancy is so different, so part of me thinks it could be a girl. But another boy would be amazing. Either way, Michael and I want a healthy baby, 10 fingers and 10 toes! We have baby names picked out, but Michael demands that we keep them top secret until after our big ultrasound!

I'm currently 14 weeks 3 days pregnant and Sweetpea is the size of a lemon!!! He/She is getting so big!

The Mommy To Be (again) is doing okay. I'm sick almost all of the time, and I hate all food. I'm also getting over the stomach bug (yuck). I am over the moon in love with this baby. I've already felt my first flutters and it is so exciting!!!

We have a regular appointment on Thursday and I can't wait to hear the heartbeat!